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(o';'o)I update frequently, so everytime you come in here it just might be different(o';'o)

Updates:Pikachu's Place©
Couldn't make 20 new badges :(, BUT....
| Lastest Update 10/12/99 |
Sorry, but i couldn't make 20 badges by today because i was too busy with bowling and football, BUT I did make 16 more badges! Goto the FREE Badges Section on the left column. Please vote for me, I want to be in the top 3!!!!!:Please Vote for me!!!!

Please Click on these banners to vote for me!

Updates:Pikachu's Place©
NEW Badge
| Lastest Update 10/10/99 |
I will be adding 20 more badges later this week......i also joined this new TopSites Please Vote for me!!!! I added one new badge, more coming maybe as soon as tomorrow...but im not sure! Oh Yeah, I might be remodeling this site alittle bite maybe with frames or without.....give me your opinion if you want frames on the site or not thanks!! Owner:J@lVle$

Please Click on these banners to vote for me!

Updates:Pikachu's Place©
| Lastest Update 10/5/99 |
I got a new counter because the other counter I had kept flip flopping from my 9,300 to 6,300 the counter was set where it left off (9,300) thats all for today.....i might ad over 10 more badges this week!!!!Come back soon! Once again I made new badges (4 more) Goto my FREE Badges section to get some. Can you people please click on the banner above since i am giving you free badges, its the least you can do! Owner:J@lVle$

Please Click on these banners to vote for me!

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Add Me! Hi i took the banners off of the main page here since people were complaining about it. To vote for me click here:Vote 4 Me!or click on link at he left frame!

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